2525 Merced St #200
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone : (510) 969-4404
Email : slccmgc@ccmusa.org
MON-FRI 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
SAT 10:00am – 12:30PM
沒有PayPal戶口者仍可透過PayPal網站用信用卡奉獻(CCM 須支付手續費),請點擊:直接使用信用卡(VISA、MasterCard、DISCOVER 或 American Express)奉獻,請致電707-762-1314,提供信用卡號碼、有效期限、信用卡密碼(VISA、MasterCard、DISCOVER 後面3個數字。American Express 前面4個數字)、姓名、地址與奉獻金額。
透過 Amazon Smile 購物支持中信,Amazon會將你消費的0.5%捐贈給中信(Chinese Christian Mission, Petaluma CA)。
奉獻股票或互惠基金(Mutual Fund),請轉帳中信戶口:CCM’S A/C with Charles Schwab 2288-9880 DTC # 0164 Code 40;並聯絡本會 accounting@ccmusa.org
也歡迎來電 707-762-1314 或電郵 accounting@ccmusa.org 跟我們聯繫。Sample language:
After taking care of all expenses, debts and other provisions, I give, devise and bequeath _____ percent of the rest and residue (or $ ____________ ) to
Chinese Christian Mission, Inc. (Tax ID# 38-1842281)
1269 N. McDowell Blvd.,
Petaluma, CA 94954